About me
Hello! I am an Assistant Professor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I hold a shared position between the Departments of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). My research interests span climate, physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, and turbulence. I investigate turbulence in the upper ocean from O(100 km) to O(1 m) using a combination of theory, high-resolution numerical simulations, climate models, and machine learning. I also have a growing interest in coastal sea level drivers.
Previous to MIT, I was a Simons Society Junior Fellow working with Dr. Laure Zanna at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. As an affiliate in the Multiscale Machine Learning In Coupled Earth System Modeling (MĀ²LInES), I worked on a data-driven approach to improve the unresolved physics associated with $\mathcal{O}$(1 km) ocean submesoscale turbulence in climate models, which plays an important role in ocean-atmosphere interactions, yet is unresolved in climate models, even at the highest possible resolution.
In my PhD, under the guidance of Prof. Baylor Fox-Kemper at Brown University, I developed a physics-based approach to evaluate and parameterize the long-sought-after dynamic interplay between ocean submesoscales and boundary layer turbulence. The significance of this work has recently been recognized by the Community Earth Systems Model Graduate Student Award and is being implemented in next-generation climate models.
I am fascinated by the way mathematics can describe fluid motion, and during my time at Brown I have also earned an ScM in Applied Mathematics. Before coming to Brown I received my MSc in Atmospheric Sciences from Tel Aviv University where I studied the effects of stationary waves generated by topography on large scale atmospheric circulation. I also have a double major BSc in Mathematics and Earth Sciences from Tel Aviv University.
I am passionate about teaching, and am especially motivated to teach computational tools for climate science. I believe it is critical that the future generation of scientists are properly trained to use the wealth of climate data and tools available on open-source platforms. I have co-founded Climatematch Academy, an online program with a mission to build a global and diverse climate science community, equipped with computational tools to tackle global challenges of our changing climate.
I am married to Bar Guzi and mother to Micah and Amelia who inspire and challenge me to be the best version of myself every day.
This webpage is still under construction. Check out my CV to see what else I have been up to.